Santa’s Reindeer
Well a month has flown by! Its hard to believe its only one more sleep until the big guy in the red suit makes his annual debut…the elves are working overtime I’m sure.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Santa is going to have the best flying weather this year, which also means our deliveries of snow toys have been delayed. The lakes are not frozen yet and where you do see ice, please don’t venture out yet even on foot. Its definitely not safe in most places.
The crew here did a happy dance on Friday as they joined all the kids getting out of school and started a 2 week break! We are closed now until Saturday, January 3th. Our hours starting January 3rd for the winter are Monday-Saturday 9am-4pm, CLOSED Sundays until snowmobile trails are officially open.
From everyone here at LGM, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!