Welcome back to winter after a brief reprieve with all the rain last week. The lakes were well slushed up but have again returned to a very solid (albeit, slippery!) state. The light snow the last couple of days has been just enough to let the sleds back out on the ice again. The snowmobile club has been working tirelessly to ensure the trails are being kept in quite good shape considering the weather challenges.
I attended the Toronto Boat Show for a couple of days and it was as usual a great showing of all the newest and greatest toys and accessories out there to acquire for the summer to come. As always, if you are looking for a new (or used) toy for any season, let us know – we’d be happy to help find the perfect fit for you and your family.
We hope everyone has been enjoying the winter so far and will get a chance to get up and enjoy what our area has to offer at this time of year.
Some are removing the snow loads on their cottages as there is always the chance that it was getting a little too heavy. A challenging job with the multiple layers of crust on the snow, but a necessary chore.
The one thing to be aware of if travelling up is that the lane-ways are quite icy if they haven’t been sanded so take your time coming in especially if going down a hill. The snow on top of the ice is deceiving as to how slippery they really are in quite a few spots.
Have a great week!

Furry Friends