Dec 16 Update

Where did the guy go that is supposed to be updating this site. Well, back for a turn at this updating again for a bit. The weather has been snowy and enjoyable. The lake is trying to freeze but has not been successful so far.We have been quite busy like usual and trying to get the sleds ready for the inevitable snow to come. We have managed to get all of the boats put to bed from the last of the diehards. Now, Christmas is only a week away and ready for another season again. We are closed Sundays until the New Year and that includes Jan. 2/2011. Our hours Mon.-Sat. are 9-4. Once the first of the year comes we will open Sundays again as long as the trails are navigable. Closed days for the next few weeks are Dec.24,25,26,27,31 and Jan.1st and 2nd. All the best to everyone that is out battling the weather to get their holiday chores done. Enjoy the weekend!

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