Dec 12 Update

The snow has finally arrived in a grand fashion. Although, we have received far less than our neighbours to the near north we still have received enough to start us practicing how to move it again. Unfortunately, with no frost in the ground yet it has been a little difficult to move snow without giving the laneways a good scraping as well. Without the cold weather first this means that the new white blanket is holding the heat for the swamps etc. to make it impossible for groomers to get out and start working on the trails. All clubs in this area are requesting that everyone stay off the trails as they are definitely not safe yet. There has been lots going on at the Cavendish Community Center in the last month or so. The ball diamond has been fenced in, the ice pad has all new boards and curb to help keep the ice in when the temps are not co-operating and a new state of the art playground has been installed. It looks great and beckons to be used by everyone. The main lakes are still open so needless to say unless you still have a boat that you are shovelling out then it is a good idea to stay off of them for a while. Have a great week!


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