Mar 8 Update

Today is the calm before the storm again. It was a rather wet and interesting weekend. It made the sledding a little hard to do and skating required water wings to navigate all the, up to 14 inch deep, water in places. Certain sections of the lakes had at least that much water on top of the ice late Friday afternoon. It is an interesting feeling riding across the lake on a fourwheeler and plowing through water. This has since drained off and the lake is ready for all the snow they are promising tonight. It promises to be a true March week with a mixed bag of weather and the thermometer bouncing between pluses and minuses each day. The kids seemed to be getting excited about March break and all of it’s fun to be had coming soon. There has been some buckets starting to appear on the trees around here as well so we’ll see how they make out with the sap just starting to run. If you are able get out and enjoy the weather today.With the forecast ahead you might be out later but it will be with a shovel in hand! Have a great week! One last reminder, everyone must have the boat operator’s card by September. If you still don’t have yours follow the link above for an easy, on-line experience to get your card and stay legal!!


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