Location: Cavendish Lake
Contact: https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/35424226?location=Catchacoma%2C%20ON%2C%20Canada&source_impression_id=p3_1561905431_uAG%2BrslCV0e%2FJ92g&s=yRazQNYE
Location: Beaver Lake, faces South; 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths
Contact: Jackie Blanchard
Location: Mississagua Lake, faces Southeast; 3 bedrooms, full bathroom and screened porch. Paddle boat and canoe available.
Available June 1 until Thanksgiving.
Contact: alandleslie@sympatico.ca
Location: Beaver Lake
North shore, southern exposure
Contact: Molly Cadigan
There are several cottage rentals in the area. Looking on AirBnb, cottagerentals.ca, and kijiji are often your best bet. As we learn of any for rent in the area we will post them here as well.