Happy New Year! This year is starting with a big change here at Little Gull. It is with very mixed emotions that we congratulate Sally on her retirement after 13 years here. Here is the note that Sally wanted us to share will all of you:
Dear LGM Staff, Customers and Suppliers,
I’m writing to tell you that I’ve found a job closer to home, at home. Unless things and the world change, I’m planning on starting my “Bag Lady with a House” retirement plan at 4pm on December 15th, 2015, while I still have strength to lug my chainsaw around my yard in an attempt to cut away the bug havens called trees that circle the house.
I still remember the foggy night in March of 2002 when I came for the interview (and how little Heather was, and how I said I could sell candy to kids). One of those kids – Shawna-Marie (our LGM girl of all trades) – told me she had been afraid of me. So, any other little kids I scared, well, sorry.
We’ve been through various mechanics and summer kids, lost and found some great dogs, shared some laughs (and some boating jokes) with customers, and did the work that helped everyone have a good weekend at the cottage. We are lucky to live and work here, where our view is the lake instead of a cubicle. All summer crews have been great, and Pizza Day in August was the back to school time highlight.
Thinking back on 13 years of motors, boats, snowmobiles, repairs, storage and people, it’s the people who stand out – LGM staff, cottagers, customers, the Real V.C. Maple Leaf parade, planner ad infinitum you know who you are, and the little kids – many of whom are now big kids with jobs or at university. Some favourites have passed on or moved away, new favourites have moved in, and all the ones who’ve stayed the same over the years – well, thanks for not whacking me on the head when I’d say “who are you?” (David Gurnham, that means you, among numerous others).
So, if you happen to hear about a new venture called “Bugs R Us”, which ships deerflies, blackflies and horseflies to quell terrorist and poacher attacks, well, they will be from my yard. In the spring, look forward to meeting the new, kinder, gentler, and less sarcastic parts person, and everyone love long and prosper.
1) Ben Belanger – There really is a job opening, but STAY IN SCHOOL!
2) Holmes twins – no bad language in the parking lot!